Download Get Off Your Arse and Lose Weight Ebook {EPUB} {PDF} FB2

2015-05-04 9

Download Get Off Your Arse and Lose Weight by Steve Miller - mirror 1 ---> mirror 2 ---> mirror 3 --> ---------------
Synopsis: No excuses! The Life Bitch is here, and he has no time for whingers. If you know your bum looks big, then get it off the sofa.
Steve Miller is an expert in training people in positive thinking. His approach depends on using skills that everyone has: common sense (you are fat because you eat too much - no one is fat in a famine) and a bit of determination. He is tough-talking (he calls a hippo a hippo) but warm and witty too; and he shows you - with real life examples and stories - techniques that really work. His approach is realistic, and it's all about getting real. This is not just abou